Friday 18 November 2011

Holy fuck the CDs have arrived. I've just been frolicking around with them naked. It was by far the sexiest thing that's ever happened to me, apart from that time I met a girl who was called Hayley Williams and I tinkled on her lady mess (that actually happened).

So, yeah. If anybody fancies a copy of the album we're selling them for £4. Although of course if you don't want a physical copy you can still download it for free from the Bandcamp or the Facebook page. Also T-shirts and ink have arrived and The Amazing Ruth will be screen-printing our merch shortly. £6 for a shirt or £8 for a CD/shirt combo. Minted.

In other news the Christmas song, which I can confirm is named 'When Santa Spaffed in my Stocking', is in production. It's sounding awesome and it's catchy as hell. That should be landing in your face in the next few weeks if everything goes according to plan.

Perhaps the most boner-worthy note is the gig. The Dog & Partridge in Preston will be hosting the event. There will be beer, there will be squirty cream - Oh God yes. That's the 29th, we'll be playing with the, frankly hilarious, Hello Bamboo. Can't wait.

A possible gig in Manchester for the 6th December and more gigs in the pipeline for 2012. Plenty of new songs shagging their way into production too. Whitty's a musical monster. Especially looking forward to the disturbing 'Make War Not Lovecraft' which details the sexual explorations of a veteran sea-dog when he encounters a cephalopod.

Also we seem to building a lot of interest globally, which is bloody exciting. A rather nice Russian dude called Dmitry is reviewing our album, we have a growing fan-base in North America and Brazil, which is bizarre, and YouTube reckons all the women that like us are between the ages of 13 and 17.

We're genuinely really busy at the moment, it's awesome.

Oh yeah, I gave Kunt from Kunt and the Gang a copy of our CD last night. I don't remember what I said to him because I was wasted but I'm pretty sure I was awesome. I also remember talking to some hot goth chicks but I imagine that didn't get anywhere because I woke up fully clothed and with a wet patch on my floor.

I digress. Mainly because I've ran out of things to talk about. So if you want a CD or a shirt just give us a shout. And make sure you're at the gig!



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